i pay respect to you for your kind and valuable information's which are very useful for humble request is on this subject that you are also aware of non vegs which are most harmful and inviting many incurable diseases like heart, kidney, cancer and other diseases.we also know that flesh food--- inducer of diseases. a weekly programme vegetarianism on BBC TELEVISION gave clear warning that meat eaters face a serious risk of contracting fatal diseases.
it is my request to you. please consider and help to the humanity.
i pay respect to you for your kind and valuable information's which are very useful for humble request is on this subject that you are also aware of non vegs which are most harmful and inviting many incurable diseases like heart, kidney, cancer and other diseases.we also know that flesh food--- inducer of diseases. a weekly programme vegetarianism on BBC TELEVISION gave clear warning that meat eaters face a serious risk of contracting fatal diseases.
it is my request to you. please consider and help to the humanity.